Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques Reviews
Stress-free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques
- St Martins Pr
The vast majority of sailing yacht scenarios comprise a couple sailing the boat together, needing to carry out all maneuvers and activities themselves with no help from a back-up crew. Their boat handling, navigation, sail handling, anchoring, and mooring skills all have to be carried out both efficiently and effectively, preferably with a minimum of physical effort (to conserve energy). But most sailing technique books assume a crew of three or four, all willing to lend a hand. This book is the
List Price: $ 25.00
Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders (Adults): Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models
- Guilford Publications
Combining scientific and clinical perspectives, this volume brings together leading authorities on complex traumatic stress and its treatment in adults. Contributors review the research that supports the conceptualization of complex traumatic stress as distinct from PTSD. They explore the pathways by which chronic trauma can affect psychological development, attachment security, and adult relationships. Chapters describe evidence-based assessment tools and an array of treatment models for indivi
List Price: $ 42.00
Realy changed my sailing life with theis book,
I enjoyed the book and picked up a lot of good …,
I would suggest that you buy the hard copy as well as the Kindle version because the diagrams are much easier to view in a book but you still need the Kindle copy loaded on your phone so you can watch the videos that come free as demonstrations of techniques taught.
This boat is off the charts excellent. I’ve had my sailboat since 1995 and I …,