Beat Your Fear of the Dentist:11 Foolproof techniques to get you in the Dental Chair – Borrow Time Books
Beat Your Fear of the Dentist:11 Foolproof techniques to get you in the Dental Chair – Borrow Time Books
Beat Your Fear of the Dentist:11 Foolproof techniques to get you in the Dental Chair
Even the mere thought of going to the dentist can strike fear deep into the hearts of even bravest people. Some people have said they would rather brave the fires of hell or the ravages of war than sit in a dentist’s chair. Personal bad experiences, the squeal of a drill, and Hollywood movies have molded a scary vision about what to expectfrom a dentist visit. If you are afraid of the dentist, y
Finally Free: How to Beat Anxiety in Six Simple Steps
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults (18% of U.S. population). Are you one of them? Do you find it near impossible to relax? Do you have trouble breathing or sleeping? Do you constantly worry that something bad is about to happen? Do you feel trapped as though there’s no way out? Are you plagued by constant fears? Millions or people will answer ‘YES’ to every single thing on this check-list. As calmly as you can, check how many sound tr
List Price: $ 24.95
Practical help for anxiety sufferers,
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The best book on Anxiety that I can remember reading,
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Great book for anxiety sufferers,
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