Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program, A Drug-Free, Self-Help Guide To Curing Anxiety, Depression And Stress
Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program, A Drug-Free, Self-Help Guide To Curing Anxiety, Depression And Stress
- behavior techniques
- control your emotions
- start living again
- sanity
- improve yourself
Manage Worry. Conquer Fear. Take back your life today. Developed by Lucinda Bassett, this is a leading drug-free, self-guided treatment program. Since 1983, this has been a leading holistic guide for improving your life and happiness. Join the 1.4mm people who have followed this program to build joyful lives not ruled by stress, anxiety or depression. The program includes audio CDs, a workbook and other tools to help you take control of your life. It is effective for kids, teens and adults al
List Price: $ 149.95
How Social Anxiety Can Hold You Back At Work: And What To Do About It
Social Anxiety at Work Can Prevent You From Being Successful In Your Career We’ve all been in situations where we don’t want to socialize – and that’s normal However, sometimes being social can be totally overwhelming and completely uncomfortable. And it’s hard to overcome your fear of speaking with someone when you don’t want to. It’s common to be shy sometimes, when you just aren’t in a good mood, or don’t want to talk. But what about those times when the thought of speak
List Price: $ 9.99
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This Course Saved Me From Medication,
Don’t believe the bad reviews. I was one that never did well on medications. I always had terrible side effects from them and I needed something that would help me with no drugs. This course saved my life, my sanity and I just re-ordered it in DVD format! I thought I didn’t need it anymore. Ha! I gave the old course to my sister because she was having panic attacks and I tried to help her.. She didn’t want it but would rather take medication. She threw it out. I used many of the ‘tools’ to help me but I needed the course to review and I couldn’t.. Fast forward some years and I am finding myself needing the course for a refresher. I decided to buy it again which is fine because its DVD now and I won’t EVER lend it to anyone again! You can always learn something every time you listen. The relaxation CD is phenomenal! I highly recommend this course. I have a lot of reviews on Amazon so this is not fake. Don’t let drugs control you! Take control of your life yourself.. It’s wonderful!
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Excellent And Life Changing,
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Attacking Anxiety @ Depression Is a Wonderful Program,
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