Anxiety as an Ally: How I Turned a Worried Mind into My Best Friend
Anxiety as an Ally: How I Turned a Worried Mind into My Best Friend
After experiencing his first panic attack on New Year’s Day of 2003, Dan Ryckert began a 12-year process of learning how to channel panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder until they became driving forces in his life. Using anxiety as his ally, he was able to land dream jobs within the video game industry and vastly improve the quality of his personal life.
In this candid recollection, you’ll learn about how he went from having panic attacks during college roll calls to speaking i
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I thought it might be a good read. This book isn’t revolutionary,
A great help in understanding a friend’s struggle.,
Why 4 instead of 5 stars? Only because Dan’s remedy of choice that worked for him included yoga and meditation. He makes it very clear that these things won’t work for everyone, but he does spend a lot of time talking about them. For my own situation, I know these are 2 things that are simply not options for my friend as they are in conflict with some personally held beliefs. So, in my specific situation, these pages were not helpful.
I love this book,
Anxiety as an Ally is honest, down to earth, and extremely personal. Even though I’ve followed Dan’s antics since 2009, this book revealed a lot of new information that I (and most people) was never aware of. It turns out that Dan has struggled with some very severe anxiety issues, which started in his college years. Dan has become an internet personality. He is very active on sites such as Twitter and is not afraid to get out there and speak his mind about something, no matter how dumb it might be. Anxiety is never something that he has opened up about with his followers. In fact, only select people in his personal life have been aware of his struggles until he wrote this book.
I found the book to be a real page turner. Even though I don’t have problems with anxiety myself, I enjoyed Dan’s story of how he has battled it and has gotten as far as he is today. (Spoiler: he’s doing better than ever). It’s very inspiring and I think people can learn and take away some good life lessons from it. Much of what he has to say can be applied to many life situations and not just with anxiety. If you follow Dan, are interested in learning more about him, and want some inspiration, you should definitely give this a read. And if you do have anxiety issues, it’s just going to be even more helpful.