When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life Reviews
When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life
- When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life
List Price: $ 15.99
Anxiety: How to Overcome Anxiety, build self esteem and Cure Social Fear and Panic Attacks (Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Social Anxiety, Overcome Shyness)
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Panic Disorder is one of the more easily resolved mental health problems a person can have,
The misinterpretation of the event causes the body to go into action sending more blood to major muscle groups so one can either run away really fast from the danger, provide the strength needed to fight the threat, or the ability to freeze so maybe you won’t be noticed. However, when there is really no threat, what goes on in the body to prepare one to run fast, punch harder, etc., — increased heart rate, faster breathing, etc. — can be misinterpreted as “I’m dying” or “I’m going to pass out”. If one is in a public space, the thought of passing out in front of strangers just increases the panic.
As the fear of panic attacks in public spaces grows, the person may become more avoidant until, one day, s/he decides it’s better to just stay home. Now, it’s diagnosable as a Panic Disorder. Eventually, s/he avoids going out at all.
So, the disorder is based on a phantom — fear. Dr. Burns’ book explains all this and more… and provides useful exercises for curing the disorder. Bonus? The cost of this book is probably less than one copay to see a qualified psychotherapist!
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Lots of great advice for managing anxiety,
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Lots of great information and useful tools to improve your mood and …,
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