Stress and anxiety: 30 ways to get rid of them for good Reviews
Stress and anxiety: 30 ways to get rid of them for good
Are you tired of being crushed under the constant pressure of stress and anxiety? Does it affect you in many areas of your daily life? Would you like gaining some control back? Search no more! This book is for you! In 30 simple ways, I explain exactly how to overcome stress and anxiety so you can finally have the life you always dreamed of!
List Price: $ 7.99
On Writing Method: Practical Advice on How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Focus on Your Art
Writing is a hard task.
When nothing seems to work, the real refuge of the writer is the method.
Exploring the rituals of famous writers, patterns emerge.
This manual shows how you can use those patterns to create ‘rituals’ that allow you to focus on writing, instead of being crippled by the idea of writing.
I liked those parts of the book that tackled about body,
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This book offers good suggestions for people dealing with high levels of anxiety …,
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This book offers good suggestions for people dealing with high levels of anxiety …,
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